Post-Op Nutrition + Mind Coaching.

Make!tPop was created to greatly increase the happiness and positive results of women who will or have undergone cosmetic surgery.

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After 15 years of the brutal fight between herself and the reflection in the mirror, our creator, Laura Alexis had finally had enough.

From adolescent eating disorders, multiple fad diets, and “fast fix” therapies she tried them all, some temporary fixes but never longer lasting. After pregnancies, countless yo-yo weight transitions that affected her belly, she knew without cosmetic surgery she wouldn’t accomplish the image she wished to see in the mirror. So despite having major fears of invasive surgery she over came her fears and had a tummy tuck with liposuction, and a brand new roller coaster ride commenced.

A lack of post-op guidance

Most women who undergo cosmetic surgery are not prepared for the after effect, 60% are not prepared for the lifestyle changes that are required for the best recovery results. They receive the ¨DO NOT EAT¨ list but it is most times very different then the way that they ate before the surgery.

Guidance in this area isn’t always available from the doctors office, MAKE!TPOP is the first post operation service available that not only can help women in this area, but help them thrive in this area. Make!tPop will provide you with a 90 day nutrition program. This includes recipes from your approved foods list as well as an organic and vegan based supplement program approved by your doctor.

This program will not only help your healing process but it will teach you how to adapt to your new healthy lifestyle. We even provide a supportive Facebook group women can visit daily to help get other tips on a healthy lifestyle following the surgery. With this program women will be truly educated and what and how their body needs to be fueled , and how to use this education to maintain their incredible physical changes.

Navigating depression + anxiety

Another unexpected change women experience is the increase of depression and anxiety after the surgery. They are happy with the it is just hard to navigate the changing thoughts and emotions associated with the medication and uncomfortable changes that must be made to support a healthy recovery.

Make!tPop provides a mind coach during your 90 day program, one that can help women navigate through the many thoughts and feelings they are having following surgery. A realistic, positive, safe place to express up and down emotional feelings that are natural during post surgery.

Sustainability + beyond

Sustainability is the cherry on top after a life changing surgery, there are ways to sustain naturally! Make!tPop provides women with direct access to the anti aging Queen, 60 year young Alice Dozier-Massey. Alice has studied anti aging for 40 years and makes sure our women are on the right track with the latest DIY methods and low cost tools available to make the work last.

Our Packages

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Package One

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Package Two

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Package Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga voluptas optio quae quis architecto nesciunt.

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